Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Week 3: Wikis

I have been looking at the TeenLibWiki which has some neat ideas. I like the book list idea. I have been trying to think how I could put book lists or ideas for my students on my webpage and this could be a good way of organizing. Their ideas for programming is great. I love to share ideas and this is one more way to put things out for everyone to check out.

I also have been thinking about getting some book reviews for the students, but perhaps what would be better would be to have them writing their own and posting them.

On the examples of Educational Wikis, I looked at Arbor Heights Elementary's site. They are thinking of changing their old web page to the wiki one. It definitely has the community participating through discussion topics. Interesting.

There was also one by a school in Scotland, U.K. They were sharing their learning about Pakistan with a wiki instead of something more tradtional. I could see that being a great way for my students to share and work collaboratively.


  1. You've found some great examples of how wikis are being used in education. Have you thought of possibly having students record a podcast of a book review? Cheshire Public Library has a Teen Book Blog and they use podcast book reviews. Really interesting stuff

  2. I think that is a terrific idea! I will definitely incorporate that next year!
